FY 2023-24 | FY 2022-23 | |
Financial Capital Current Assets (Rs. in crore) Order Booking (Rs. in crore) Net Worth (Rs. in crore) Net Block of Assets (Rs. in crore) Borrowings (Rs. in crore) |
6,448 9,355 4,440 2,431 1,256 |
6,072 8,788 3,868 1,682 811 |
Manufactured Capital Manufacturing Plants Domestic and International Offices No. of Project Sites (O&M) New Solar / Wind-Solar Project Sites Capacity – Under Open Access Material Consumed (Rs. in crore) |
14 45 283 141.8 MWp 5,220 |
14 56 283 27.5 MWp 4,625 |
Human Capital No. of HSE Internal Auditors Certified No. of Permanent Workmen Deployed No. of Permanent Employees of Thermax Group No. of Contractual Workmen No. of Training Man-Hours |
100 1,098 4,127 16,245 72,421 |
18 1,051 3,767 11,411 5,640 |
Intellectual Capital R&D Spend as % of Group Turnover No. of Employees in R&D Team Investment in Technology/Process (Rs. in crore) Improvement Initiatives |
0.40% 43* 25.3 |
0.41% 71 19.6 |
Social and Relationship Capital Total CSR Spend (Rs. in crore) No. of Suppliers Trained on Sustainability No. of Dealers No. of Green Channel Vendors No. of Micro and Small Suppliers |
8.15 351 128 554 4,323 |
6.86 146 131 266 3,624 |
Natural Capital Renewable Energy Generated Non-Renewable Energy Consumption Water Consumption (Domestic) Capex on Carbon Footprint Reduction Related Projects (Rs. in crore) No. of Zero Liquid Discharge Installations within Thermax Facilities Rainwater Harvesting Capacity (Domestic) |
98,107 GJ 2,41,021 GJ 8,76,815 m3 11.35 crore 7 44,242 m3 |
26,747 GJ 3,15,661 GJ 8,13,504 m3 4.10 crore 7 42,928 m3 |
*R&D employees moved to newly incubated businesses requiring focus
FY 2023-24 | FY 2022-23 | |
Financial Capital Total Revenue (Rs. in crore) Profit After Tax (Rs. in crore) Operating Cash Flow (Rs. in crore) Operational EBITDA (Rs. in crore) Earnings Per Share (Rs.) Remuneration Including Retirement Benefits to Employees (Rs. in crore) |
9,323 643 247 860 57.30 1,148 |
8,090 451 460 643 39.98 955 |
Manufactured Capital* Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio Total Power Generation Capacity Power Generated Through Assets Operated and Maintained by Thermax Environment-Friendly Vapour Absorption Cooling Air Treated Through Air Pollution Control Systems Water Treated and Recycled Heating Solutions – Quantity of Heating Done Total Chemicals Manufactured |
3.80 times 1,048 MW 4,748 GWh 68,316 NTR 91.84 million m3/hour 903 MLD 4,927 MWTH 53,194 MT |
4.78 times 867 MW 5,189 GWh 1,15,655 NTR 96.08 million m3/hour 541 MLD 4,722 MWTH 37,809 MT |
Human Capital No. of Whistleblower Complaints Resolved (Employee Practices) No. of Sexual Harassment Complaints Received and Resolved Value Added Per Rupee Employee Cost (VAPREC) Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) % of Employees With Tenure in Thermax > 10 Years |
18 received and 13 1 Rs. 3.57 0.24 31% |
8 received and 7 Nil Rs. 3.63 0.17 34% |
Intellectual Capital No. of Patents Applied and Granted No. of Trademarks Registered Digitalisation: a. No. of Customer Processes/Internal Processes Digitalised b. No. of Equipment with Remote Monitoring Functionality |
Applied: 3 Applied: 6 Registered: 1 51 4,670 |
Applied: 6 Applied: 21 Registered: 19 15 4,328 |
Social and Relationship Capital No. of Government Schemes Facilitated Through No. of Student Beneficiaries % of Customer Complaints Resolved % of Material Sustainably Sourced No. of Orders Through Channel Network |
9,513 5,415 99.5% 50% 10,282 |
8,979 4,108 98.8% 42% 7,351 |
Natural Capital Carbon Emission Reduction (tCO2e) Energy Saved (Energy Conservation and Efficiency Water Reused and Recycled (Domestic) Rainwater Harvested |
13,754 (tCO2e) 19,590 GJ (5,442 MWh) 2,61,246 m3 29,017 m3 |
5,665 (tCO2e) 19,424 GJ (5,396 MWh) 2,49,510 m3 25,490 m3 |
*Pertaining to customers