Let’s together save #OurPlanetOurHome
Let’s together save #OurPlanetOurHome
Earth is home to millions of species of organisms with each distinctly different from the other. Humans are a part of this wonderful family and are the most advanced species to walk on the planet. In ancient times humans worshipped nature and lived in harmony with the environment. But with the advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, this harmony was destroyed. Rampant pollution and exploitation of natural resources for profit maximisation began. Today we are staring at a future of record global warming, climate change and a catastrophic rise in sea levels. All-time high temperatures across the globe, waning polar ice cover and unequal rainfall patterns are the consequences of centuries of over-exploitation. If we do nothing to stop this change, we can lose the earth as our home.
In order to save millions of lives from an unprecedented climate crisis, various climate action plans have been formulated and climate conventions have been held. India has taken a lead role in these climate summits and has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2070. This includes developing sustainable alternatives to current options in many critical sectors like power and reducing vehicular and industrial emissions which cause rampant pollution.
Developing solutions to protect the environment
To save the Earth for future generations, it is thus important for us to take up the responsibility to restore the planet through developing eco-friendly technologies as well as growing focus on reducing the exploitation of natural resources and controlling environmental pollution. India on its part has undertaken several high-level projects to reduce its carbon footprint in addition to developing safeguards to protect the environment. For example, replacing coal, which contributes to more than 70% of all Indian electricity generation with solar power. Many industries are also aligning themselves to the Sustainable Development Goals to develop without harming the environment. Thermax is focussed on bringing sustainability to the entire production process – right from sourcing, manufacturing, supply chain management, distribution and consumption.
Thermax’s offerings in waste heat recovery, biofuels, solar, Bio CNG, waste to energy etc., show its commitment to protecting the environment. In addition to contributing to global sustainability, Thermax’s solutions also strive to contribute substantially to the global priority areas of energy conservation, environment protection and enrichment of society.
Controlling Air Pollution
Air pollution is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Harmful gases emitted by vehicles and heavy industries on a regular basis cause global warming and lead to environmental pollution. Thermax offers multifold benefits to industries like cement, steel, aluminium, copper, etc., helping them recover products at various stages of plant processes and also comply with stipulated emission norms.
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is a flagship product of Thermax working successfully across heavy polluting sectors including power, cement, steel, non-ferrous metallurgical and fertilisers. The Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) come in two variants, Dry ESP and Wet ESP. The former is used on hot process exhaust (50℃ – 450℃) that operates above the dew point of the gas stream while wet ESPs are part of a special application system and are used for filtering wet, sticky, tarry and oily particulate matter. It is capable of capturing 100+ types of particulate matter from 1 micron to 1000 microns and can filter out harmful particles such as coal as well as 50+ types of biomass fuel from being emitted into the environment.
Scrubbers- A scrubber is a versatile system capable of handling a wide range of gas volumes for scrubbing the acidic/alkaline nature of gases, hygroscopic, adhesive and explosive materials. It is designed for both particulates as well as gaseous pollution abatement. The variants available for particulate scrubbing are venturi and cyclonic.
Bag Filters- These come in two variants – the Pulse Jet Bag Filter and Reverse Air Bag House with each involved in particulate emission control or product recovery in a boiler, furnace, kiln or mills. It is capable of handling 100+ types of particulate matter and is highly efficient in removing particulate matter from emissions.
Water Pollution and Effluent Control
Thermax is one of the leading companies in providing water and waste solutions for the past four decades to help several industries reduce fresh water consumption as well as reuse and recycling of wastewater. Thermax offers a wide range of sustainable options to control industrial water pollution as well as providing solutions to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge.
Zero Liquid Discharge – Zero Liquid Discharge is a wastewater recycling process used to limit liquid waste by removing all waste liquids and completely reusing the wastewater which is normally dumped in water bodies polluting them. Thermax has erected several cost-effective systems to recycle wastewater and provides Zero Liquid Discharge solutions for various industrial sectors. ZLD can be used by thermal technologies such as evaporators like Multi Effect Evaporation (MEE). Although short-term costs of production increase with the ZLD system but the long-term benefits far outweigh conventional options.
Wastewater Treatment -Thermax offers customised as well as standardised wastewater treatment plants for industries, housing societies, and commercial complexes. These solutions can greatly reduce the emissions of an industrial plant in addition to increasing the longevity of existing systems. Wastewater contains industrial wastewater and domestic sewage. Wastewater treatment plants are designed using a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes, so that treated water could be discharged into the environment or reused further.
Desalination- We have a large deposit of virtually unusable water in the form of oceans that cover over three-fourths of the planet because of a high amount of suspended solids like sodium chloride (table salt) which makes it unfit for use – both for drinking as well as for commercial purposes. Desalination involves the removal of these dissolved minerals from seawater and brackish water (a mixture of fresh water and ocean water) to reduce the strain on freshwater resources like rivers and streams. Desalination has grown to be accepted by many major industries, which are looking to invest in desalination plants to reduce their dependence on freshwater resources for the operation of their plants.
Solar Energy Solutions
With solar PV installations spread across industries and geographies, Thermax is helping customers generate green energy and minimise electricity costs. Thermax has a wide range of solar options for its customers to choose from –
Solar Rooftop – Solar energy offers an excellent return on investment while utilising the rooftop space of the customer’s facility. Solar rooftop solutions can generate free electricity for more than 25 years, resulting in substantial huge savings and reducing the carbon footprint as well.
Solar Ground Mounted – Thermax has an excellent track record in the installation of ground-based solar power projects. Ground-mounted solar installations deliver unbeatable ROI during the life cycle of the project, taking the customer’s manufacturing facility towards self-reliance for its power needs.
Battery Energy Storage System- Thermax provides specially designed Battery Energy Storage Systems with the latest Li-ion technology to provide reliable and long backup. It can also form a hybrid system with solar PVs and the solar power grid.
Waste to Energy Technologies
‘Waste to wealth’ is the main principle of sustainable development and generation of sustainable energy. Waste products such as biomass play a very important role as substrates to be used in energy generation. Biomass and ‘waste to energy generation’ are some of the most promising technologies to look forward to trying and developing independence from fossil fuels. Some of these are listed below:
Biomass-Powered Boilers – Biomass is renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals and is a major producer of methane gas. These are produced in large quantities and are mostly dumped in landfills wasting their potential for energy generation. Thermax offers several advanced technologies to tap into this potential for providing renewable energy.
Thermax has developed boilers with the capability of using biomass as the source of fuel instead of fossil fuels like coal without compromising on the quality of their products. These boilers have various benefits including fuel flexibility, low maintenance, high efficiency, high availability, and reliability.
Waste To Energy – A waste-to-energy plant is a type of advanced waste management facility that combusts waste to produce electricity. This type of power plant is sometimes called a trash-to-energy, municipal waste incineration, energy recovery, or resource recovery plant.
Spent Wash (Vinasse) Fired Boiler- Boiler that will generate steam and power using highly polluting distillery waste – spent wash – as fuel. Distilleries can be highly polluting as 88% of their raw materials result in waste, which is discharged into fields and water bodies. Spent wash is one of the polluting byproducts of the distilling process in molasses-based plants. By generating steam from the spent wash, molasses-based distilleries can significantly reduce their energy costs. Thermax has pioneered the development of such boilers to combat the highly polluting nature of vinasse and has successfully installed them at various locations in India and abroad.
Waste Heat Recovery Power Plants – WHR power plants use waste heat from various sources like cement kilns, blast furnaces, sponge iron kilns, gas turbines etc. and convert these to power, thereby reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. WHR power plants help the customer in moving towards sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint of their operations. With the fuel being practically free, setting up a WHR power plant also helps in improving profitability. Thermax has been at the forefront of commissioning waste heat recovery power plants for more than a decade. Thermax provides a wide variety of customised, turnkey energy solutions to utilise waste heat from various processes and applications.
Thermax believes that by working together and cooperating we can create a sustainable ecosystem where technology can peacefully co-exist with nature. With its technologies and innovations in the field of energy and environment, Thermax empowers the customer to contribute to the development of a better future. Thermax’s solutions ensure better resource productivity, efficient use of energy, as well as cost savings and subsequently, help our planet in the long run.
For enquiries related to clean air, clean energy and clean water solutions, reach out to us at enquiry@thermaxglobal.com or call us at 1800-209-0115.