Steam & Heat

TOESL offers Steam and Heat Supply to customers wherein we invest, install, operate and maintain the Boiler/Heater Plant in the customer premises and ensure guaranteed uptime and performance.

TOESL undertakes comprehensive biomass fuel supply chain management and also insulates the customer from any technology risk.
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TOESL installs state-of-the-art multi fuel boiler systems with efficient and fully automated combustors. Careful selection of right technology helps to address varying biomass fuel characteristics while providing the much needed versatility for combustion of different fuels at high efficiencies.

Along with combustion technology, TOESL also explores the best technology for boiler maintenance and residue management. Some of them are Sonic Soot Blower system, Danblast Soot Blowing system, etc.’

Key Features:
  • Best available technology, with proven performance on biomass fuels.
  • Packaged units, thus, minimal foot print and faster installation.
  • Higher combustion volume and residence time leading to best of efficiencies
  • Lower start up time, better response and less pressure fluctuation.
  • Fully automated with PLC and SCADA based control system
  • Remote performance monitoring system
  • Automated furnace draft and combustion control systems

200+ TPH

Steam / Heat Installed Base

3.2 Lakh Tons YTD

Reduction in Carbon Dioxide

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