My new year’s resolution to excel

Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2023!

An article I recently read gave a different perspective on New Year resolutions and how they are perceived globally. According to a survey, 31% of people believe that they have no inherent behaviour that needs to be changed, 23% think that they have tried and failed, 27% say that they just don’t make resolutions and 19% assume that they lack willpower.

Instead of focussing on long-term goals, I always try to plan and execute short-term goals that accumulate so that I can achieve my longer term goals over time. So for 2023, my resolution is to wake up every day with a positive intent to learn, give more time to myself, and most importantly, communicate with myself.

Here is a message I am writing to myself in 2023:

Every morning when you wake up, think that this is a new start of everything that you ever wanted to do.

If you are allowing yourself to see big dreams then mould yourself to deserve those dreams. When you cross the path, you will be facing hurdles These hurdles are not to stop you but to make you rethink and accelerate further.

You are blessed with tremendous potential and skills which are sufficient to achieve those great heights Take time to undust and polish those,
you will emerge shinier than before.

You must be eager to see yourself at the top There is always a place for you As they say, there is always room at the top.

This is your year, this is your moment For the great purpose you want to achieve, Accept the challenge and go further Trust me, God is always with you!

Bhushan Belkhede

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