Music – Food for the soul

I am writing this piece to share some musical encounters and knowledge that I have gained in my journey as a musician. I will share these experiences with you as episodes that will help you all to use music to focus on your daily work, improve concentration and calm your mind under all situations.

Before we start our musical sojourn together, let me tell you that you do not need any prior musical knowledge to understand or implement this. I hope this serves as an interactive read for you with some relaxation during your break.

It is hard to believe that music does not have an exact definition to date. I am also sure that Google will give you many versions of the same definition. However, music, to me, is a way of expression. Sometimes, where words cannot express, music does. Music lets you feel and understand what the words mean.

Music is a subject that can be studied, experienced and shared. To make it simple, we can say that music is a set of varied frequencies arranged in a particular fashion to create an emotion. This being the first episode, I would like you to put on a pair of headphones and listen to the music encoded in the QR code (Raag Basant) below. The music you would be listening to is by Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, played on the flute.

Raag Basant is commonly used to celebrate an event or an occasion. There are many compositions on the same. It deeply denotes the change in season, and if you find yourself in a phase of changing emotions, you will be able to relate and see what you are feeling now. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to focus on our goals and ambitions; this raag will help your subconscious mind to move from confusion to clarity.

I hope you have a sense of upliftment in yourself after listening to this melody. Our interactions will not only be on classical music or just only one kind of music – we will discuss, learn and understand how music can change our lives in the smallest of ways.

Do let me know your feedback.

Till the next edition of Fireside, I bid you goodbye. Enjoy your reading.

Signing off,
Mijar Aditya Shenoy,
Export Sales, Cooling division

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