The shrinking profit margins and fierce competition coupled with increased taxes and higher logistics cost has compelled the cement manufacturers to reduce operating expenses and increase throughput without allocating considerable CAPEX.

This has led the Cement Manufacturers as well as Equipment Suppliers to look out for solutions which will yield maximum equipment efficiency enabling higher throughput of the existing plant. Thermax has acknowledged the market requirement and introduced a patented pulsing system that improves the bag filter performance in an innovative way. The success story of Thermax’s innovative solution to address the needs of the cement industry is presented below:


Myhome Cement, Hyderabad approached Thermax for a solution to upgrade its existing cement mill bag house to increase its mill feed capacity from 175TPH to 220TPH. However, increasing its capacity in as is condition was notpossible since the existing Induced Draft (will be referred to as ID henceforth) Fan of Cement Mill had flow & static pressure limitations due to higher pressure drop/ losses in system. The data in Table 1 presents the input parameters for existing operation and future enhancement:

Sr. No. Description Slag/Clinker Grinding Mill Bag Filter – Existing (Design Data) Slag/Clinker Grinding Mill Bag Filter – Enhanced (Design Data)
1. Cement Mill Bag filter Online Online
2. Quantity 1 1
3. Industry Cement Cement
4. Application Slag/Clinker Mill Filter Slag/Clinker Mill Filter
5. Mill Feed, TPH 175 220 (21% increase desired after Mill upgrade)
6. Volumetric flow 5,95,000 Am3/hr 7,00,000 Am3/hr (15% increase, desired)
7. Gas temperature continuous 90°C 90°C
8. Max Gas temperature Bags can Withstand 130°C 130°C
9. Bag Filter Design Pressure +/- 1500 mmwg +/- 1500 mmwg
10. Static pressure at Bag Filter inlet (max) (-)450mmwg (-)450mmwg
11. Dust to be handled Slag / Clinker Dust Slag / Clinker Dust
12. Dust properties Abrasive, Free Flowing Abrasive, Free Flowing
13. Dust concentration in the gas at Inlet of bag filter (slag only) 248 gms/m3 257 gms/m3 300 gms/m3(max)
14. Outlet Emission 30 mg/Nm3 30mg/Nm3
15. Bulk density of dust for Power 1,200 kg/m3 1,200 kg/m3
16. Particle Size Analysis 4,200 Blains 4,200 Blains
17. Moisture content in the gas Upto 8% Upto 8%
18. Moisture dew point of gas 59°C max 59°C max


Higher CAPEX
  • Generally, this kind of bag filter upgrade calls for an increase in the number of filter bags/ modules, to maintain air-to-cloth ratio (will be referred to as ACR henceforth) by increasing the fabric collection area and to maintain the Differential Pressure (will be referred to as DP
    henceforth) across the system
  • Any rework in an existing plant requires a lot of re-routing of existing facilities, in order to accommodate extra filter bags/modules. This results in increased expenditure for the customer
Space constraints

Space constraint was a challenge due to a compact plant layout and hence no space to accommodate additional bag filter modules.

Revenue loss due to downtime

Longer downtime required for addition of the bags/module resulting in loss of production and revenue accordingly



Thermax’s state-of-the-art Research, Technology and Innovation center (RTIC) has developed an innovative bag filter pulsing system which can effectively dislodge dust from bags at low pressures resulting in effective control of bag filter DP and ensure higher bag life. In fact, this also addresses the challenge of effective cleaning of long bags. The system generates low pressure pulses which travel right up to the bottom of the bag causing ripple effect on the bags and effectively dislodging dust, a panacea for cement
manufacturer’s plant operations woes.

The picture below represents the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) pattern for Pulse Cleaning System; Type C is Thermax’s Intellectual Property (IP).


Sr. No. Parameters for 100% Slag Grinding Case 1 With Old Pulsing System Case 2 With Improved Pulsing System Case 3 With Improved Pulsing System
1. Mill Feed 175 – 180 175 – 180 185 – 190
2. Flow, m3/hr 5,65,000 – 5,80,000 5,65,000 – 5,80,000 7,05,000 – 7,15,000
3. Fan, RPM 800 – 810 800 – 810 980, Full RPM
4. Fan Power, KW 1,180 – 1,190 1,175 – 1,185 2,120 – 2,150
5. Pulsing Pressure, Bar 5 – 6 3.8 – 4.2 3.8 – 4.5
6. DP across Bag Filter, mmwg 90 – 100 70 – 80 115 – 120
7. Emission 30 mg/Nm3 30 mg/Nm3 30 mg/Nm3
8. Bag House Inlet/outlet Temp., °C 117 / 103 117 / 105 118 / 99

(*) Enhanced mill feed capacity of 220TPH was not achieved with old pulsing system due to very high DP across
bag house.

Thermax innovative pulsing system achieved 24% to 30% drop in pulsing pressure and 20% to 22% drop in DP
across bag filter (as in Case 2, Table 2)

The Mill Feed throughput was increased to 190 tph, but desired figure of 220 tph is yet to happen. However, the air flow in the bag filter was increased to 7,00,000 m3 /hr equivalent to 220 tph for couple of hours to observe the DP value under full load. The DP was around 115 – 120 mmwg while the original Bag Filter DP (design value) = 150 mmwg.

The above case clearly illustrates the benefits of the improved pulsing system i.e., reduced DP, reduced compressed air requirements, increased throughputs and higher bag life.

The set of benefits realised by customer (Myhome Cement) due to innovative pulsing system in an existing cement mill bag filter:

1. Savings in electric power consumption of ID fan:

Reduction of 20mmwg in dp across Bag Filter (Table 2, Case-1 & 2) would convert to 5KWH which would mean a yearly saving of 5KWH x 8,000 x Rs.5* per KWH = Rs. 2,00,000 (Rs.5 per KWH – Ave. India Industrial Unit Rate)

2.Savings in compressed air power consumption:

Reduction in pulse pressure from 5 – 6 kg/cm2 to 3.8 – 4.2 kg/cm2 , means a net reduction by 24% to 30% in air compressor operating expenses

3.Saving due to extended bag life:

Apart from other governing factors, compressed air pulse pressure and pulse frequency plays an important role in the life cycle of bag house. The innovation in the pulsing system technology by Thermax has controlled these vital parameters to safeguard the cement manufacturers from frequent purchase of bags translating into lower operating expenses

4.Saving due to pulsing system up gradation vis-à- vis additional module integration:

Conventional approach for DP reduction is reduction in ACR which would mean increase in module size. As against this, upgrading to new pulsing system would mean savings to the tune of 80 – 85% of capital cost. In addition, there is downtime reduction and intangible saving in terms of space.


Thermax was referred for studying the possibility to control higher DP across the bag house, during change in operation of bag house fan from 810-820 RPM (Results: Case 1) to higher speed of 960-980 RPM (Results: Case 3), for improving the mill throughput.
Instead of increasing the modules in the bag house, Thermax Team has modified pulsing system to reduce the DP in higher ID fan RPM operation. The modified pulsing system was installed and observed for the DP reduction from 85 – 95 mmwg to 65 – 75 mmwg and pulse air pressure reduced from 5 – 6 kg/cm2 to 3.8 – 4.2 kg/cm2.

“We appreciate Thermax for their support for solving the DP problem and overall savings in power cost in terms of DP reduction & Compressor Air Pressure reduction,” said Mr. Narang, MyHome Cement, Hyderabad.

Authored by

Mr. Arijit Dutta

Head of Innovation and Service Business Group

Thermax Limited | Air Pollution Control

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Raw Mill – Kiln Application in Cement Industry


M/s. Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited (CCCL), An Indian Rs 8.5 Billion business group is into Manufacturing (Cement, Silica, Quartz, Grits) & Services (Construction, Transports, Ship Management, Clearing & Forwarding), is one of the major cement manufacturers in Southern India with total cement production capacity of 3 MTPA having manufacturing units at Puliyur, Karur and Karikkali, Dindigul in Tamil Nadu.


The rotary kiln is the heart of a cement manufacturing plant. Cement kilns have all chemical ingredients. These
ingredients are at a broad range of gas temperatures from 100° to 1650°C.
The emissions contain:

  • High concentrations of alkaline solids, including sodium and potassium oxides;
  • High concentrations of freshly created Calcium Oxide
  • Volatiles; and
  • Organic gases

At CCCL, the kiln gases are at around 900 deg C. Pyroprocessing consists of five stages. Preheater exit gases are distributed based on requirement of Vertical Roller Mills for Raw Material Grinding and Vertical Roller Mill for Coal grinding. M/s CCCL has installed gas cooling system in the Preheater down-comer to bring the outlet gas temperature to about 310 deg C. In existing GCT, this temperature is further brought down to about 220 deg C and they are polished through the Air Pollution Control Equipment.


The Plant at Puliyur, Karur was operating at a capacity of 2,800 TPD clinker production. For the operation of the Raw Mill (Vertical Roller Mill), existing system was 2-fan circuit. The existing system consisted of Gas Conditioning Tower (GCT) followed by Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) for the control of particulate emissions from the kiln and raw mill. Since the existing circuit was designed in early 90’s for lower capacity of Kiln, CCCL wanted to look at the various alternatives to reduce the emissions going out of the stack. CCCL decided after the initial scrutiny to award the work to m/s Thermax for suggesting various alternatives to meet the above objective. After much deliberation, Thermax and CCCL jointly decided that the best solution was to design a Bag House System in series with the existing ESP, (ESP – considered as a pre-collector). The system was guaranteed to give 25 mg/nm3 outlet emission with higher plant capacity.The system was converted from 2-fan circuit to 3- fan circuit. The major challenges handled by Thermax in designing the Bag House System in series with ESP were following:

  • Handling very fine dust at the inlet for Bag House coming out after ESP
  • Handling gases with higher moisture content coming out of the existing GCT.

Like in any cement plant, the Bag House operates in two basic modes of operation:

  1. Direct Mode Of Operation – All the Preheater exit gases shall be routed directly to bag house since the raw mill is not operating
  2. Compound Mode Of Operation – Here the Raw Mill is in running condition, therefore major part of Preheater exit gases will be routed through the Raw Mill circuit( including Raw mill , ESP and ESP fan) before going through the baghouse.


The Reverse Air Bag House (RABH) was installed after ESP to handle the exit gases from Preheater / RawMill. After conducting thorough analysis on world wide similar reference installations for the suitability of filter media for achieving lower emissions, filter media / bags made up of Fibre Glass woven fabric along with Poly Tetra Fluro Ethylene (PTFE) laminate was selected for this installation. The chosen woven glass fabric posses the following characteristics:

  • PTFE laminate is a micro porous membrane which collects even sub-micron sized particles
  • It has excellent dust cake release property
  • Due to its non-stick nature, it ensures low differential pressure across the fabric
  • Also, PTFE laminate is moisture resistant and protects the woven glass fabric from effects of moisture.
  • Mainly suitable for this application because of its inert nature, compatibility with the kiln gases and the
    temperature resistance.

Bags of more than 10 meter length were used for optimum floor space usage. As an operating principle of RABH, periodically the bags are cleaned using the recirculation of the cleaned air from the outlet of the RABH. The dust collected from the bag house is transported to Silo / preheater feeding elevator.
Having rich experience & expertise of more than 25 years in product line of ESP, Thermax recommended to charge only one out of three fields of this ESP which ensured the inlet dust load of bag house up to 50 mg/Am3 (from inlet dust load of 200 gm/Am3) and also maintained the outlet dust particle size from ESP in range of 10-15 microns which is good for the agglomeration. It was decided to conduct Computational Fluid Dynamics
to analyze before hand, the fluid mechanics of gases with higher moisture content. Numerical methods and algorithms were extensively deployed to arrive at the proper and uniform distribution. CFD was used for the components at the development stage itself to optimize the effectiveness of the component before actual installation The outputs of the analysis were presented as color plots of velocities (arrow / contour) and pressure (contour) at




Thermax was able to handle this complex issue of dust emission, through its extensive knowledge base of GCT, ESP and RABH technologies under one roof with requisite knowledge of the cement manufacturing process. As always, Thermax has once again delivered as per customer’s expectations in all respects and the emission levels are less than 25 mg/Nm3!!!!!

Iron Ore Pellatisation Application in Steel Industry – Grate Kiln Process


Vale S.A. is a Brazilian multinational diversified metals and mining corporation. In addition to being the second-largest mining company in the world, Vale is also the largest producer of iron ore pellets. Vale S.A opened a 9 MTPA (2 x 4.5) Iron ore pellatisation plant in Sohar, Sultanate of Oman., on March 3rd, 2011. High
grade iron ore for the plant is imported from Brazil & finished product is sold to Steel plants globally as a raw
material feed for Blast furnace or Electric arc furnace.


Pellatisation process turns fine –grained iron ore into hardened balls of approx. 8 to 16 mm diameter, which are used as feed in Blast Furnace, Electric arc furnace or DRI plant. Fine grained high quality Iron ore is mixed uniformly with Lime stone, Coke Breeze along with Bentonite & moistened with water & taken to a balling drum were in centrifugal force reduce the moistened raw material to ‘Green Pellets’ of required size as specified by customer. The Green pellet thus obtained is taken to an indurating furnace having heat resistant perforated cast iron traveling grate bars arranged on two rotating drum to make an end less belt.
Green Pellet is evenly placed at the feed end & burners are arranged opposite each other on longitudinal sides of the preheating & firing zone. As the belt progress a series of heavy duty fan draw air through the pellet bed & coke breeze in the Green pellet catches fire. The speed of the belt is arranged in such way that the pellets harden uniformly & emerge as red hot pellet at discharge end.
The dust laden gases are treated in Pollution control equipment before letting out through stack. Unlike in ‘Straight Grate’ process a ‘Grate Kiln’ process employ only one burner situated at the discharge end of the Rotary Kiln. Forced ‘Annular coolers’ are located at discharge end to uniformly cool pellet by an updraft of ambient air before transporting to storage silo.


Grate Kiln process is unique process designed to evenly indurate pellets to increase its mechanical properties. This process employ a conventional ‘Straight Grate’ followed by a ‘Rotary Kiln’ designed to churn the pellets & thus increase even heating as well to avoid fragmentation in transportation. As against a conventional burner the hot gases from the Rotary kiln are reused to preheat the green pellets so that the moisture in the Green pellet is gradually released & avoid steam formation inside pellet which would otherwise rupture the pellets.
Technology for the Project was offered by KOBELCO, Japan. who has recommended Grate Kiln Technology of Metso Minerals. ‘Grate Kiln’ process was then a ‘first- of- a-kind’ application for Thermax, despite having supplied numerous Air pollution control equipment on ‘Straight Grate’ Pellet plant. The challenge in this case was the high dust load generated due to churning of pellet inside the Kiln as well space constrain in Location of


Process engineers at Thermax carried out extensive study & based on performance data of ‘straight grate’
Pellatisation Process derived optimum design of ESP for ‘Grate Kiln’ Process & accommodated in the given
floor space without compromising on technical parameters .

The performance Guarantee test was done after commissioning of ESP & all ten units of ESP shown an emission of less than 50mg/Nm3

Boiler Application In Jute Industry


Champdany Industries Ltd (formerly Wellington Jute Mills) – a Kolkata based manufacturer and exporter of high quality jute products like yarn/twine, fine hessian cloth, jute bags, decorative jute fabrics and blended fabrics. Their manufacturing unit is at Rishra, about 25 kms from Kolkata. The plant’s steam requirements are met by a Thermax make 5 TPH boiler, fired on coal and jute caddy / briquettes.


The requirement called for a sustainable solution – taking into account the mix of fuels being burnt – not only on the combustion side but also on the pollution control side. The challenge was to come up with a system that would help the customer slash their energy costs, keeping emissions low at the same time.
Initially Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) were not in the reckoning, since they were not considered viable for boilers with capacities less than 10 TPH. But, with options like scrubbers and bag filters being ruled out on fuel mix and other technical grounds, the choice finally narrowed down to the ESP. The challenge was not only to achieve the desired results, but to do so in very limited space – a typical constraint especially in such old units
dating back to pre-independence times.


Thermax came up with a new product to handle emissions from small boiler a ‘baby’ ESP. This uniquely designed ESP, developed in-house at Enviro, blends the best elements drawn from technology absorbed from two earlier collaborators. That Thermax has in fact delivered more than what was committed is visible from achieved 3 emission levels of less than 50 mg/Nm3 against the contractual 100 mg/Nm3.


Can be designed for different combustion systems based on:

  • Coal – Indian, Indonesian, Chinese, South African, Australian etc.
  • Lignite – Kutch, Neyveli etc
  • Agro Waste – Coconut/ Groundnut shells, Coffee waste, Tea leaves, Jute caddy, Chilli powder etc.
  • Wood
  • Oil
  • Multi-fuel
  • Waste heat recovery -from Sponge iron kilns, DG sets etc.


Boiler: 5 TPH, Manual, Coal / Jute Caddy Fired

Fuel Coal Jute Caddy
Gas Volume (Am3 /hr) 14,076 14,520
Temperature (deg. C) 180 180
Inlet Dust Load (gm/Nm3) 15 20
Guaranteed Emission (mg/Nm3) 100 100
Actual Emission (mg/Nm3) 50 50


Thermax Onsite Energy Solutions Limited

Biomass Boiler Installation at ITC, Munger – Dairy Plant

ITC Group is one of India’s foremost multi – business enterprise with a robust portfolio encompassing Fast
Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Hotels, Paperboards & Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business, and Information Technology.

In the modern dairy, steam is used in a variety of processes and to help maintain clean, sterile conditions. Steam is used because it is an efficient carrier of heat providing constant temperatures essential for achieving good quality of products.

Thermax Onsite Energy Solutions Limited (TOESL), a subsidiary of Thermax Limited, provides outsourced
utility delivery services based on the Build-Own-Operate (BOO) business model, enabling customers to optimize costs, reduce CO2 footprint and remain focused on their core business.


ITC uses steam in its Dairy plant for indirect heating for the following manufacturing processes:

  • Skimmed Milk Powder
  • Dairy Whitener
  • Ghee, and
  • In the process of Pasteurization

Of the above applications, major steam consumption is to produce powdered milk in the Spray Dryer.

Previously, TOESL had set up 2 biomass utility plants for steam supply under BOO model for Tobacco and
Snacks & Noodle plants of ITC. Having reaped the benefits from said projects, TOESL was re-approached by ITC Group for a Steam Supply proposition based on biomass as fuel for their first milk processing facility in Munger, Bihar. This facility is a part of customer’s CSR initiative to create sustainable livelihoods in villages through a livestock development program.

In a move to generate cost savings and to be carbon-positive, ITC chose TOESL offering of Biomass-fired
boiler and entered into a long term BOO/T based Steam Supply Contract, inked in September 2013.

TOESL now supplies green steam to ITC’s Tobacco, Food and Dairy businesses.


  • Fuel survey undertaken for the particular site location to identify biomass fuels available within a 300 km radius of the site, in the province of Bihar
  • Fuels identified: Paddy Husk Paddy husk is available throughout the year in and around the site location
  • Vendor development to establish fuel supply chain network from source to site
  • Evaluation of biomass price and available quantity over the course of a year


  • Study of load patterns of the process plant
  • Study of steam consumption by the processes – minimum, average and peak
  • Establish the minimum steam off-take
  • Evaluate space available on-site


  • Leverage state-of-the-art, multi-fuel technology by Thermax and provide optimized, highly efficient and sustainable offerings to the customer
  • Undertake detailed engineering to deliver customized high-end solutions


Install and commission the biomass-fired boiler along with boiler accessories, fuel and ash handling systems and air pollution control equipment


  • Undertake comprehensive O&M along with fuel, ash, chemicals, consumables and spares management
  • Deploy experienced and trained manpower
  • Routine regulatory compliance
  • Maximize uptime and operating efficiency
  • Online & remote performance monitoring


  • Biomass Fired Boiler having Fluidized Bed Combustion
  • Boiler Type: Horizontal Multi-tubular Shell Type Smoke Tube with Water Wall Furnace Boiler
  • Boiler Model: CPFD80
  • Boiler Capacity: 8 TPH F&A 100 °C
  • Boiler Design Pressure: 21 kg/cm 2 (g)
  • Primary Fuel: Paddy Husk


  • Customer invests in the civil foundations and structure for the utility plant
  • Complete capital expenditure of the equipment undertaken by TOESL
  • Agreement period of 10 years
  • Customer shall pay interest free security deposit at the time of signing of agreement which shall be
    refunded at the end of agreement period
  • Fuel is charged on a pass-through basis
  • Utility is charged as per off take
  • Utility costing is done on the basis of the minimum off take decided between customer and TOESL
  • Utility price reduction on consumption exceeding minimum off take
  • Guaranteed delivery of uptime


  • Cost reduction due to effective utility price
  • Sizeable carbon savings as against fossil fuel boiler
  • Guaranteed boiler uptime & efficiency throughout product lifecycle
  • Operational Excellence – uptime and efficiency delivered higher than committed
  • Downtime planned in conjunction with process plant shutdown
  • No investment in utility plant and machinery by customer
  • Minimal SPM through advanced APC equipment
  • Dedicated biomass fuel supply chain ensuring consistent quality at right price

On operation of biomass-fired boiler over the years, ITC-Munger Dairy Division has contributed to reduction in CO2 emissions of over 7740 tons as of January 2019.
(Biomass Boiler Plant commissioned in August 2015)

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