Our innovative cloud monitoring system enabled by IIoT- ROSS sets new standards for enhancing productivity and profitability from a distance

ROSS (Remote Online Service Support)

ROSS is a smart IIoT product developed to render quick service support and ensure maximum uptime of chillers. The cloud-based industrial maintenance system connects installations across the globe to Thermax’s servers. It enables managing and monitoring the chillers with alarms, trend graphs, and reports efficiently. With ROSS, the exact status of the chiller’s health can be monitored anytime anywhere. Machines across the globe can be promptly serviced by engineers remotely at the slightest indication of deviation in its parameters. The system, apart from speeding up the troubleshooting process, completely avoids downtime and maintenance calls.

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With ROSS, the exact status of the chiller’s health can be monitored anytime anywhere. Machines across the globe can be promptly serviced by engineers remotely at the slightest indication of deviation in its parameters. The system, apart from speeding up the troubleshooting process, completely avoids downtime and maintenance calls.

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