We provide energy solutions to utilise waste heat from various processes and applications to improve overall energy balance in ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, cement, refinery, chemical, oil & gas, glass and other sectors. The offerings include a variety of customised, turnkey solutions to generate steam and power.

With over 1000 installations worldwide, we have earned our reputation  as a proven and reliable  leader in waste heat recovery solutions  in  various industries
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Sinter Cooler

A waste heat recovery system shall be installed utilizing the hot air generated from sinter cooler for steam and power generation.

Manufactured as per Technology developed by Thermax

  • Natural circulation, single pass, single/dual pressure vertical boiler
  • Flue gas enters from top of boiler
  • Flue gas velocity to be limited to avoid erosion due to dust
  • Extended surface design can be offered for various heat transfer surface
  • Complete steel casing construction
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