Steam Engineering

Thermax Steam Engineering group received National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2018 by CII at Hyderabad.
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Thermax’s comprehensive range of steam products and solutions coupled with high engineering expertise, help industries combat a variety of challenges such as increasing energy and water costs, reduced operating efficiency and stringent health, safety and environmental norms.

New steam systems

In large capital projects our expert engineers work with end users, design consultants, or contractors, to advise on, design and supply complete new steam systems.

Steam system audits

Detailed steam system audits, carried out by our specialist energy auditors, identifies opportunities for improved efficiency in our end users’ processes, including energy and water savings. Audits can identify the cause of known problems or uncover unrecognized needs.

Engineered solutions

Working directly with our customers, our engineers apply our deep applications and systems knowledge, breadth of products and expertise to create bespoke engineered solutions for energy and water savings, process efficiency, product quality and improvements in plant health, safety and regulatory compliance.

Steam system maintenance, repair and operations

To maintain operational efficiency, production output and product quality, regular maintenance spending is required by our end users. We offer maintenance services and supply of products to keep our end users’ steam systems operating at an optimum level


We provide training at Thermax Learning Academy, Pune. Our training courses equip participant with the skills required to run their steam systems<br /> as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Our published technical handbooks

Steam Engineering

Thermic Fluid

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