Thermax offers coil type steam boilers in the range of 50 to 850 kg steam per hour. The coil type boiler generates steam instantly and is extremely easy to install and commission. These boilers are safe, reliable and designed to operate on a wide range of liquid and gaseous fuels including heavy oil, light oil, gas, and dual fuel options.

Thermax Heating Division, to its credit, has experience of commissioning projects across industries within India and abroad.
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Thermax’s Powermax boiler also known as Bi-drum boiler is a versatile two drum, water tube design, solid fuel fired boiler generally used to generate high steam-pressure required for incidental power generation or cogeneration. It is also used for saturated steam applications, which demand uninterrupted operation on highly choking fuels. This boiler is rugged and can operate continuously throughout the year. In addition, since it has small water content, it responds rapidly to changes in loads and heat inputs.

Product Features
  • High pressure steam due to its water tube design
  • Uninterrupted operations
  • High degree of superheat due to large heater
  • The combustor can be adapted for any type of fuel firing
  • Membrane water wall furnace
  • In bed head exchanger and super heater
  • Solutions consists of a pollution control equipment, air preheater and an Economizer
Operating Range
  • Capacities :- 6 TPH – 50 TPH
  • Firing Fuels :- Coal/ Biomass
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