Enhancing Industrial Water Treatment with Thermax Tulsion® Resins
In the realm of industrial processes, the quality of water plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient perations and product quality. Water treatment in industrial settings is not merely an auxiliary process; it’s a fundamental necessity.
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Navigating Energy Transition: Comprehensive Solutions for Textile Players in the Pursuit of Sustainability
In the vibrant tapestry of India’s economy, the textile industry emerges as a potent force, weaving not just fabric but also millions of livelihoods. More so, India has a 4% share of the global trade in textiles and apparel.

Water treatment: The key to water conservation
Have you ever wondered why Earth is called the blue planet? It’s because water covers about 70% of its surface. Considering this amount of water available, it seems obvious that it is abundant. However, 97% of the Earth’s water is saline consisting of 1,335 million

Cleaner Technologies for a Greener Tomorrow
Air is vital for the survival of most organisms on earth. With the advancement in technology and the industrial revolution, major air pollutants have been released into the air, causing widespread pollution. High levels of pollution can increase the risk of respiratory infections, among other adverse health outcomes.

Let’s together save #OurPlanetOurHome
Earth is home to millions of species of organisms with each distinctly different from the other. Humans are a part of this wonderful family and are the most advanced species to walk on the planet. In ancient times humans worshipped nature and lived in harmony with the environment. But with the advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, this harmony was destroyed.

Act on Climate: A clarion call
Climate change is the biggest threat the world is facing today. From developed countries to developing ones, climate change is a menace all across. According to the United Nations, the climate change that we are witnessing today is caused by several factors such as generating energy, manufacturing goods, deforestation, vehicular emission, waste generation etc.

#GreenEnergyToNature – Managing the environmental footprint
International Energy Association (IEA), in its annual update on global developments in energy efficiency for the year 2021, interestingly mentioned energy efficiency as the ‘first fuel’ of a sustainable global energy system as it still represents the cleanest and, in most cases, the cheapest way to meet our energy needs.

Let’s Foster Change #TogetherForOurPlanet
Amid the biggest climate crisis the planet is witnessing, where temperatures are forecast to rise above the 1.5°C warming threshold by 2040, we can no longer sit and do nothing. Scientists have warned that the predicted rise in global temperature will lead to catastrophic results which will affect the entire planet.

Water Recycling: Need of the Hour
Water is a major constituent of life on earth. The earliest life forms are believed to have been originated deep in the primordial oceans. Water also forms around 60% of the adult human body and over 90% of the blood in our body. Thus the relation of water to life is indistinguishable.

Moving Towards a Cleaner Future
Humans have heavily relied on fossil fuels for far too long to meet their energy demands, impacting the environment adversely and ushering in a plethora of issues ranging from climate change to deterioration in air quality.

Why Regular Boiler Repair and Maintenance Services Are Crucial for Long-Lasting Performance?
Boilers are an essential component of industrial operations, used as a source of process heating and to improve the operation of an enterprise by generating power.

Balancing Power Availability With Sustainability – DG PV Controller
Frequent power cuts are a grim reality faced by all industries and commercial establishments across the country. It forces businesses to rely on Diesel Gensets, thereby increasing costs as well as the carbon footprint of the organisation.

Thermax’s digitalisation wave: Solutions for today and tomorrow
The scenario
Digital transformation has occupied the centre stage in the recent past and has started reshaping the way manufacturing sector works.

More power from the Sun – Designing solar plants for maximum generation
Solar sector in India has seen tremendous growth in a short period of time. As we work to scale up our solar PV generation capacity, equal efforts have to be made to ensure the equipment quality of upcoming installations is up to industry standards.

What are Boilers? How do they Enhance Production Processes?
Before we begin with all the uses of the boiler, let’s define what a boiler is and how it works. […]