Thermax wins Rs. 327 crore order for a co-generation power plant

Thermax Group bagged a Rs. 327 crore order from a public sector company based in western India for its up-coming chemical plant. The project is for a BTG (BoilerTurbine-Generator) package on EPC basis for its captive cogeneration power plant of 2×65 MW capacity.

The order is an affirmation of Thermax’s expertise in cogeneration that provides optimal energy solutions to industries that need both power and steam to support processes. M.S. Unnikrishnan, Thermax MD & CEO stated that “as one of the pioneers of this energy efficient option,Thermax is confident of meeting such challenges and anticipates similar opportunities.” 

The scope of supply includes design, engineering, manufacturing, construction and commissioning of the solid fuel based BTG package consisting of two CFBC boilers, steam turbines and generators. Thermax also would be supplying emission control equipment and other auxiliaries for the BTG package. The project is to be completed in 24 months.

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